Full Comparison

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Пылесосы:VS121 rose
Device typeПылесос вертикальный 2 в 1
Power, W1200
Noise level< 80 дБ
Suction220 Вт
Power control
Dust filtration
HEPA filter
Filtration levels
Capacity2 л
Power supply
Brush type
Power Cable5 м
Package ContentsПылесос, Руководство пользователя, Гарантийный талон, Насадка
Type of battery
Battery life (min)
Battery Capacity (mAh)
Battery voltage
Net Weight, kg2,1
Height, cm110
Width, cm15
Depth, cm13
Height of package, cm60
Width of package, cm23
Packing depth, cm21
Gross Weight, kg2,7
Height of the box, cm
Width of the box, cm
Box depth, cm
Box gross weight, kg
Net weight of the box, kg