Full Comparison

compare Full Comparison
Device typeВидеодомофон
Device modelHS-WD301B
Housing MaterialПластик
Case colorЧерный
Built-in GSM module
Wireless connection range До 150 м
Number of supported outdoor cameras1
Number of supported indoor monitors3
Wireless connection of outdoor camerasДа, 2,4GHz
Wired connection of outdoor cameras
Connection to common doorphones
Built-in Wi-Fi module
Number of connected cameras
LCD screenЦветной 3,5
Indicators2 на мониторе / 1 на вызывной панели
Buttons8 на мониторе / 1 на вызывной панели
Photo takingПри вызове / по датчику движения
Video taking
Memory card support
Door/lock opening functionДа
Size of matrix1/4
Type of matrixCMOS
Angle of View (°)90
IR illuminationДа, до 1,5 м
Night mode
Motion sensorДа
Standarts of protectionIP55
PowerАдаптер питания 5V / аккумулятор BP-6M
Battery life До 300 часов
Additionally12 мелодий, настройка громкости, настройка яркости
Resolution of matrix
Screen resolution
Package Contents
Indoor monitor1
Outdoor camera1
Remote controller
Вattery 2
Power adapter2
Power cable1
Additional accessory3 (настольная подставка, настенное крепление, защитный козырек)
User Manual / Warranty Card1
Type of packagingКартонная коробка
Packing height, mm
Packing width, mm
Packing depth, mm
Package gross weight, gr
Quantity of consumer packages, pcs12
Box depth, cm
Width of the box, cm
Height of the box, cm
Box gross weight, kg
Net weight of the box, kg
Height, mm20
Width, mm83
Depth, mm
Net weight, gr140